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Monotop and multitop phenomenology at hadron colliders, Benjamin Fuks (IPHC Strasbourg & CERN)

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Monotop and multitop phenomenology at hadron colliders

  • FUNDI-Seminar
Wann 02.07.2013
von 16:15 bis 17:30
Wo Physik HH, SR815
Termin übernehmen vCal

Thanks to the latest development in the field of Monte Carlo event generators and satellite programs allowing for a straightforward implementation of any new physics model in those tools, studying the property of any theory has become an easy task. We illustrate this statement in the context of three particular effective field theories constructed in the prospects of observing monotop (associated production of a top quark and missing energy) and multitop (two, three and four top quark production in association with jets) signatures at the LHC, as well as flavour-changing top anomalous couplings (with a Z-boson or a gluon).

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