Particle Physics at the LHC - SS13
Scheduled seminar talks:
- 19.6. Arne Gross: Higgs mechanism and electroweak symmetry breaking
- 26.6. S.Dittmaier: Predictions for Higgs production and decay at the LHC
- 3.7. Lynn Meissner: Electroweak gauge-boson scattering at the LHC
- 10.7. Marco Zimmermann: Discovery of a Higgs-like particle with ATLAS at the LHC
- 17.7. M.Schumacher: Investigation of the properties of the Higgs-like particle at the LHC
Proposed topics:
- Higgs mechanism and electroweak symmetry breaking
- Higgs production at the LHC
- Vector-boson scattering WW->WW
- other topics
- Search for Higgs bosons at small masses, specifically H-->tautau
- Search for Higgs bosons in models beyond the SM
- Search for supersymmetric particles
- other topics
Formalities & requirements for Academic Record
- Oral part: talk of ca. 45min (i.e. ca. 2 talks per session)
- Written part: essay summarizing the talk
- First organisatorial meetings: Fr, 27.4.+4.5.12, 2pm ct; room: HS 1