- Info
- Susanne Trauth
- Elena Wiggert (dittmaier_office_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de)
Dozenten und Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter
Prof. Dr. Stefan Dittmaier
- EmailStefan_DOT_Dittmaier_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de
- Phone+49-(0)761-203-5837
- Office805
Dr. Maximilian Stahlhofen
- EmailMaximilian_DOT_Stahlhofen_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de
- Phone+49-(0)761-203-5819
- Office802
Dr. Mathieu Pellen Website
- EmailMathieu_DOT_Pellen_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de
- Phone+49-(0)761-203-7617
- Office807
Dr. Robin Brüser
- EmailRobin_DOT_Brueser_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de
- Phone+49-(0)761-203-5819
- Office802
Jonas Rehberg
- EmailJonas_DOT_Rehberg_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de
- Phone+49-(0)761-203-5733
- Office806
Max Reyer
- EmailMax_DOT_Reyer_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de
- Phone+49-(0)761-203-5846
- Office808
Sebastian Schuhmacher
- EmailSebastian_DOT_Schuhmacher_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de
- Phone+49-(0)761-203-5846
- Office808
José Luis Hernando
- Emailjose_DOT_luis.hernando_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de
- Phone+49-(0)761-203-5733
- Office806
Jo Reimer
- EmailJo_DOT_Reimer_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de
- Phone+49-(0)761-203-5846
- Office808
Lara Steimle
- EmailLara_DOT_Steimle_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de
- Office805
Ehemalige wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter (seit April 2009)
- Dr. Andrea Quadri (Andrea_DOT_Quadri_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de)
- Dr. Oliver Brein (Oliver_DOT_Brein_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de)
- Dr. Christian Speckner (Christian_DOT_Speckner_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de)
- Dr. Frank Siegert (Frank_DOT_Siegert_AT_cern.ch)
- Dr. Lorenzo Basso (lorenzo_DOT_basso_AT_iphc.cnrs.fr)
- Dr. Christian Schwinn (schwinn_AT_physik.rwth-aachen.de)
- Dr. Timo Schmidt (Timo_DOT_Schmidt_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de)
- Dr. Christopher Schwan (Christopher_DOT_Schwan_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de)
- Dr. Mario Prausa (Mario_DOT_Prausa_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de)
- Dr. Heidi Rzehak (Heidi_DOT_Rzehak_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de)
- Marina Billoni
- Dr. Philipp Maierhöfer (particle_AT_maierhoefer.net)
- Dr. Tim Engel (Tim_DOT_Engel_AT_physik.uni-freiburg.de)
- Tobias Kasprzik: Radiative corrections to W+jet production at hadron colliders with a leptonic decay of the W boson, 2009
- Max Huber: Radiative corrections to the neutral-current Drell-Yan process, 2010
- Alexander Huss: Mixed QCD-electroweak O(αs α) corrections to Drell-Yan processes in the resonance region, 2014
- Luisa Oggero: Radiative corrections to the decay of the top quark, 2015
- Markus Hecht: NLO QCD and electroweak corrections to Wgamma and Zgamma production , 2016
- Lukas Altenkamp: Precise Predictions within the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model, 2017
- Michele Boggia: Precise predictions for Higgs physics in a singlet extension of the standard model, 2018
- Gernot Knippen: Next-to-leading-order QCD and electroweak corrections to WWW production at proton–proton colliders, 2020
- Jan Schwarz: Mixed NNLO QCD×EW radiative corrections to W/Z production and decay, 2023
- Alexander Huss: Weak radiative corrections to dijet production at the LHC, 2010, Gustav-Mie-Preis 2011
- Torsten Kirk: Anomalous couplings between the Higgs boson and electroweak gauge bosons, 2011
- Markus Hecht: Predicting W+gamma production at the LHC in next-to-leading order QCD accuracy, 2012
- Lukas Altenkamp: QCD Corrections to HZ Production via Gluon Fusion at the LHC, 2012
- Luca Forner: QED Corrections to Dijet Production at the LHC, 2013
- Lukas Salfelder: Predictions for 4 Lepton + 2 Jet Production at the LHC, 2013
- Michael Kordovan: Electroweak Next-to-Leading-Order Corrections to ttH Production at the Large Hadron Collider, 2014, Gustav-Mie-Preis 2015
- Martin Rotzinger: Higgs Boson Decay Processes in an Effective Field Theory Approach: First Steps towards Automation, 2014
- Gernot Knippen: Next-to-leading order electroweak corrections to triple-W-boson production at proton–proton colliders, 2015
- Lynn Meissner: Higgs-Boson Decays into four fermions in an effective field theory Approach, 2015
- Wladimir Tschernow: Evaluation of scalar Feynman integrals via differential equations, 2017, Gustav-Mie-Preis 2017
- Ramon Winterhalder: Approximations for vector-boson scattering at the LHC, 2017
- Ivona Kafedjiska: The dipole subtraction formalism for photon radiation of W bosons, 2018
- Jan Schwarz: Mixed QCDxEW radiative corrections to hadronic Z-boson decays, 2018
- Sebastian Schuhmacher: Effective Field Theory for a Heavy-Singlet Extension of the Standard
Model, 2019
- Stefan Rode: Mixed QCD/Electroweak radiative corrections to the Higgs boson decay H->bb, 2019
- Jonas Rehberg: Precision Calculations in a Gauged Singlet Extension of the Standard Model, 2019, Alumni-Preis 2020
- Paul Haider: Automated Amplitude Generation for Physics Beyond the Standard Model, 2020
- Robin Feser: Phenomenology of models with radiatively generated neutrino masses at the LHC, 2021
- Jan Schuler: Mixed NNLO QED-QCD corrections to the Higgs-boson decay H -> b bbar, 2021
- José Luis Hernando: Electroweak corrections to leptonic tau-decays, 2022
- Yann Stoll: Higher-Order Corrections to the Decay of the W Boson, 2023
- Tim Uttenweiler: Precision Calculations for the Processes e+e- -> 4 Fermions, 2023
- Tobias Lippold: Investigating the running weak mixing angle in Drell-Yan production at the LHC, 2023
- José Ángel Hernandez: Radiative corrections to the Higgs-boson decay into bb(bar) pairs, 2024
- Gernot Knippen: Photoninduzierte Prozesse am LHC, 2013
- Wladimir Tschernow: Stoerungstheoretische Berechnung der relativistischen Periheldrehung, 2014
- Ramon Winterhalder: Photoninduzierte Top-Quark-Paarproduktion und Dijet-Produktion am LHC, 2014
- Benjamin Rottler: Tau pair production at the LHC, 2015
- Arne Trabert: Bestimmung der Top-Quark-Masse aus dem totalen Wirkungsquerschnitt, 2015
- Maximilian Klinkert: Helicity Wave Functions for Free Relativistic Particles with Arbitrary Spins, 2016
- Sebastian Schuhmacher: The Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian and light-by-light scattering, 2017
- Julian Strom: Einfluss der Geometrie makroskopischer Körper auf den Casimir-Effekt, 2017
- Robin Feser: Loop-induced Higgs-boson decays in
Extensions of the Standard Model, 2018
- Yann Stoll: Predictions for Loop-Induced Photon Photon Scattering at the LHC, 2020
- Gregor Suchan, Numerical Evaluation of Polylogarithms, 2020
- Chiara Hubner: Effektive Feldtheorien für schwere Fermionen, 2021
- Zainab Chokr: The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and physics beyond the Standard Model, 2021
- Lara Steimle: Neutrino-mass effects in the decay µ → eγ, 2023
- Simon Burian: Predicting the W-Boson Mass in Extensions of the Standard Model, 2023
- Julian Fahrlaender: Particle Decays in a Standard Model Extension with a Dark Abelian Sector, 2024
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