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Event Matching, merging and all that, Simon Plätzer (DESY)
Matching, merging and all that
Event Asymptotic expansions with the strategy of regions, Bernd Jantzen (Aachen)
Event Proposal to search for Heavy Neutral Leptons at the CERN-SPS, Thomas Ruf (CERN)
Proposal to search for Heavy Neutral Leptons at the CERN-SPS
Event New Higgs Inflation, Cristiano Germani (LMU Munich)
New Higgs Inflation
Event Qaisar Shafi (U. Delaware) --- CANCELED ---
--- CANCELED ---
Event Superluminal neutrino: Theoretical considerations, Frans R. Klinkhamer (Karlsruhe)
Event Why Neutrinos are different
Why Neutrinos are different, Jean-Marie Frere (Brüssel)
Event TBA, Thomas Hahn (MPI Munich)
Event Precision Physics with Jet Observables, Thomas Gehrmann (Zürich)
Precision Physics with Jet Observables
Event Searching for new physics at the Large Hadron Collider: some frustration, but no despair yet, Michael Krämer (RWTH)
Searching for new physics at the Large Hadron Collider: some frustration, but no despair yet
Event recent work on efficient dipole subtraction and NLO ME+PS matching, Stefan Hoeche
Event ICHEP results for the Higgs search, Karl Jakobs (U. Freiburg)
ICHEP results
Event New techniques for Feynman integrals, Claude Duhr (Zürich)
Event On-shell massive diboson production at the LHC, Julien Baglio (KIT)
On-shell massive diboson production at the LHC
Event Progress in multi-loop integrand reduction methods, Simon Badger (CERN)
Progress in multi-loop integrand reduction methods
Event Results in QED: Multi-loop contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
Results in QED: Multi-loop contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, Christian Sturm (München)
Event New results and delicate issues regarding Higgs production at the LHC, Achilleas Lazopoulos (ETH Zürich)
New results and delicate issues regarding Higgs production at the LHC
Event NLO predictions for multi-jet final states Stefan Weinzierl (Uni Mainz)
NLO predictions for multi-jet final states
Event Light dark matter and U bosons, Pierre Fayet (Paris)
Event Heavy-quark masses from the low-energy expansion of Pi(q2)
Heavy-quark masses from the low-energy expansion of Pi(q2), Peter Marquard (Karlsruhe)
Event Recent Developments in Models for Neutrino Masses and Mixings, Stefan Antusch (Basel)
Recent Developments in Models for Neutrino Masses and Mixings
Event Measuring Higgs Couplings: How and Why, Tilman Plehn (Univ. Heidelberg)
Measuring Higgs Couplings: How and Why
Event Heavy-Quark Production at the LHC
Heavy-Quark Production at the LHC, Hubert Spiesberger (Mainz)
Event Quantum Mechanics and the Equivalence Principle, Domenico Giulini (Hannover)
Quantum Mechanics and the Equivalence Principle
Event Electroweak gauge boson production at higher orders with FEWZ, Ryan Gavin (PSI)
Electroweak gauge boson production at higher orders with FEWZ
Event Alternative subtraction scheme for NLO QCD calculations, Tania Robens (TU Dresden)
Alternative subtraction scheme for NLO QCD calculations
Event Higher spin gauge theories, Andrea Campoleoni (ULB)
Higher spin gauge theories
Event Squark production and decay at NLO matched with parton showers, Eva Popenda (PSI)
Squark production and decay at NLO matched with parton showers
Event Higgs mass comparisons in the complex MSSM, Karina Williams (Bonn)
Event New Strong Interactions from LHC to Inflation
New Strong Interactions from LHC to Inflation, Francesco Sannino (Odense)
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