Quantum chromodynamics and collider physics (WS13/14)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Dittmaier
- Lecture: 4h, Mo 12-14, Tu 10-12, SR GMH, start: 21.10.2013
- Exercises: 2h, Mi 14-16, SR III, start: 30.10.2013, coordination: Dr. Heidi Rzehak
Für Bachelor-Studierende:
Die Vorlesung eignet sich als Spezialvorlesung im Wahlpflicht- bzw.
Wahlbereich. Sie gilt als äquivalent zur Vorlesung "Einführung in das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik"
des Modulhandbuchs.
- Quantization of field theories via functional integrals
- Perturbation theory and Feynman diagrams
- Gauge theories and their quantization
- BRS symmetry and Slavnov-Taylor identities
- Gauge theory of strong interaction (quantum chromodynamics)
- Quantum corrections and renormalization
- renormalization group equations
- Jet production in e+e- annihilation
- Parton model for hadronic particle reactions
- Parton distribution function and DGLAP evolution
- Deep inelastic elektron-nucleon scattering
- Quantum corrections to the Drell-Yan process
Preliminary knowledge:
Quantum mechanics, electrodynamics and special relativity,
recommended: Introduction into relativistic quantum field theory
recommended: Introduction into relativistic quantum field theory
- Böhm/Denner/Joos: "Gauge Theories of the Strong and Electroweak Interaction"
- Cheng/Li: "Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics"
- Collins: "Renormalization"
- Dissertori/Knowles/Schmelling: "Quantum Chromodynamics"
- Ellis/Stirling/Webber: "QCD and Collider Physics"
- Itzykson/Zuber: "Quantum Field Theory"
- Muta: "Foundations of Quantum Chromodynamics"
- Peskin/Schroeder: "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory"
- Sterman: "Quantum Field Theory"
- Weinberg: "The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol.1: Foundations"
- Weinberg: "The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol.2: Modern Applications"
To get a course achievement a regular and active participation in the exercise classes is expected. In detail, 50% of all points achievable in the exercises have to be scored. If an academic record (with grade) is needed, there will be an additional oral exam. More details will be given in the lecture.
- Exercise sheet: qcd13_1.pdf
- Exercise sheet: qcd13_2.pdf
- Exercise sheet: qcd13_3.pdf
- Exercise sheet: qcd13_4.pdf
- Exercise sheet: qcd13_5.pdf
- Exercise sheet: qcd13_6.pdf
- Exercise sheet: qcd13_7.pdf
- Exercise sheet: qcd13_8.pdf
- Exercise sheet: qcd13_9.pdf
- Exercise sheet: qcd13_10.pdf
- Exercise sheet: qcd13_11.pdf
- Exercise sheet: qcd13_12.pdf