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Resonant top quarks at hadron colliders, Andrew Papanastasiou (DESY)

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Resonant top quarks at hadron colliders

  • FUNDI-Seminar
Wann 28.05.2013
von 16:15 bis 17:30
Wo Physik HH, SR815
Termin übernehmen vCal

The abundance of top quarks that have been and will be produced at the LHC is paving the way to accurate experimental top physics.
Comparably precise theory predictions are essential to fully exploit this opportunity to both deepen our understanding of the Standard Model as well as to perhaps obtain hints of something beyond this. I will describe an effective theory assault on heavy, unstable particle production and decay, illustrating the method using applications to top-pair and single-top production. A recent comparison of different approaches to unstable particle production for the case of t-channel single-top will also be discussed.

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